CinnaSTART your way to the best health!

CinnaSTART your way to the best health!

Posted by Madeline E. Wein on 24th Aug 2022

Benefits behind the Cinna Stix Bunches

A twisted review on the aroma of benefits that the classic stick gives as a gift: mind, body, and beauty. Beyond the buds, the taste does not go to waste as it boosts the benefits across the human body. Are you ready for the cinnastix that’ll give your healthy life a kick? Read on, & taste-try the effects for yourself.

Cinnamon sugar & spice, lowers the heart nice.

Blood Pressure & Sugar

The cinnamon powder is a classic way to push down the blood pressure and push up the insulin sensitivity. It is the certain compounds in cinnamon that help mitigate the effects of insulin and raise the blood sugar that will contribute to the reduction of diabetes and heart disease.

Up the good, Lower the bad: Cholesterol

Lowering Cholesterol

Say goodbye to the blockage of fatty acids in the bloodstream! Cinnamon has been shown to lower bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol levels. It is up to the glorious enzyme, called cinnamate, that makes cholesterol to wane away while being reduced from the cinnamon.

A clear cinnaSKIN venture

Reducing Acne

Cinnamon is a great friend of the face, in fact, is a key product in many facial properties and DIY face masks. Why, might you ask? The anti-inflammatory property helps kill bacteria by contributing to inflamed pores and preventing the appearance of new breakouts. It also sticks around to reduce the redness and breakouts that are caused by oils in the skin. Yay cinnamon!

Fresh breath galore!

Kills Oral Bacteria

The same compound that helps inflammation also has a double-edge benefit when it comes to the mouth… and its not just the taste. Cinnamaldehyde works to kill out the oral bacteria that loiters in the mouth and contributes to a not-so-friendly smell. We all know what it's like to get a mouthful of food, but let's leave the experience for ourselves only! Next time you hit the store to shop grab a pack of cinnamon gum, in addition to or substituting for mint gum, to leave a fresh impact! If you don’t want to try and buy then boil a couple cinnamon sticks on the stove and use it as mouthwash. Fresh-feeling-good!

A not-so ant sized antioxidant.


AntioxiDANCE in the body with an addition of cinnamon! The zesty spice helps the body reduce oxidative stress which otherwise leads to damaged cells that contribute to a variety of diseases. Big fan of the green juice? Cinnamon holds a variety of antioxidants that even surpass those in superfoods. Super cinnamon to save the day!

CinnaSTOP the clock on aging.

Reduce Aging

When the skin grows, it loses its glows. To be specific, it lets go of elastin and collagen that keep the skin supple and smooth. Cinnamon is one of the healthy and natural supplements that can produce these same effects within only a matter of time. By adding a dash of cinnamon to your food or coffee you can bring about a great change to the body, especially as it endures the aging process.

I whip my cinnamon hair back and forth!

Hair Health

On the same health note, cinnamon can help the hair grow. Its particles help encourage blood flow to the hair follicles which boost the circulation that is necessary for your hair to grow. If you are looking for the right growth-be-gained recipe then try mixing cinnamon with honey, coconut oil, and other natural ingredients for a new grow and glow method.